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RPP Tematik Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tema 6-9: Panduan Lengkap dan Praktis

Download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9: A Guide for Teachers

If you are a teacher of grade five in Indonesia, you may be wondering how to download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 for your online or offline classes. RPP is a simplified lesson plan that is based on the curriculum 2013 and is required by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this article, we will explain what RPP is, why you need it, how to download it, and what are the benefits and challenges of using it.

download rpp kelas 5 tema 6 7 8 9

What is RPP and why do you need it?

RPP is a simplified lesson plan based on the curriculum 2013

RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan implementation. It is a document that contains the objectives, activities, methods, media, assessment, and reflection of a lesson. RPP is based on the curriculum 2013 , which is the latest national curriculum for basic and secondary education in Indonesia. The curriculum 2013 emphasizes the development of students' competencies in four aspects: knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.

RPP helps teachers to design effective and engaging learning activities

RPP is a tool that helps teachers to plan their lessons in a systematic and comprehensive way. By using RPP, teachers can ensure that their lessons are aligned with the learning standards and competencies of the curriculum 2013 . Moreover, RPP can help teachers to design learning activities that are relevant, meaningful, interactive, and fun for their students. RPP can also help teachers to monitor and evaluate their students' progress and achievements.

RPP is required by the Ministry of Education and Culture for all teachers

RPP is not only a useful tool but also a mandatory requirement for all teachers in Indonesia. According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No.14 of 2019 on Simplification of Lesson Plan Implementation, all teachers must prepare and implement RPP for every lesson they teach. The circular letter also states that RPP should be simplified into one page per lesson. The purpose of this policy is to reduce the administrative burden on teachers and to focus more on improving the quality of teaching and learning.

How to download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9?

Visit the official website Visit the official website of Guru Berbagi or Panduan Guru

One of the easiest ways to download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is to visit the official website of Guru Berbagi or Panduan Guru. These are two online platforms that provide various resources and materials for teachers, including RPP for different grades and subjects. You can access these websites by clicking the links below:

On these websites, you can find RPP that are based on the curriculum 2013 and are simplified into one page per lesson. You can also find RPP that are designed for online or offline learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. These RPP are created by teachers, experts, and communities who want to share their ideas and best practices with other teachers.

Choose the appropriate RPP for your grade and semester

Once you are on the website of Guru Berbagi or Panduan Guru, you can choose the appropriate RPP for your grade and semester. You can use the search box or the filter options to narrow down your search. For example, if you want to download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9, you can type "RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9" in the search box or select "SD/MI/Paket A", "5", and "Guru Kelas" in the filter options. You will then see a list of RPP that match your criteria.

Download the RPP in PDF or Word format

After you find the RPP that you want to download, you can click on the title or the image of the RPP to see more details. You will see a brief description of the RPP, such as the author, the date, the likes, the downloads, and the views. You will also see a button that says "Lihat RPP" or "View RPP". If you click on this button, you will be able to see the content of the RPP in a new tab. You can then download the RPP in PDF or Word format by clicking on the button that says "Unduh RPP" or "Download RPP". You can also copy the link of the RPP by clicking on the button that says "Salin Tautan" or "Copy Link". What are the benefits of using RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9?

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 covers various topics related to social studies, science, and culture

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is a collection of RPP that covers various topics related to social studies, science, and culture. These topics include:

  • Tema 6: Kegiatan Ekonomi di Lingkungan Sekitar (Economic Activities in the Surrounding Environment)

  • Tema 7: Peristiwa dalam Kehidupan (Events in Life)

  • Tema 8: Perubahan di Lingkungan Sekitar (Changes in the Surrounding Environment)

  • Tema 9: Cita-Citaku (My Aspirations)

By using these RPP, teachers can help their students to learn about various aspects of life and society, such as the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, the causes and effects of natural and human-made events, the changes in the physical and social environment, and the goals and dreams of different people. These topics can also help students to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills.

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RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is aligned with the learning standards and competencies of the curriculum 2013

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is aligned with the learning standards and competencies of the curriculum 2013 . This means that the RPP follows the guidelines and requirements of the national curriculum for grade five. The RPP contains the following elements:

  • Kompetensi Inti (Core Competencies): The general competencies that students should achieve in each subject, such as religious, social, knowledge, and skills competencies.

  • Kompetensi Dasar (Basic Competencies): The specific competencies that students should achieve in each topic, such as understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating competencies.

  • Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (Competency Achievement Indicators): The measurable indicators that show whether students have achieved the basic competencies or not.

  • Tujuan Pembelajaran (Learning Objectives): The statements that describe what students are expected to know, do, and feel after completing the lesson.

  • Materi Pembelajaran (Learning Materials): The content and information that students need to learn in order to achieve the learning objectives.

  • Metode Pembelajaran (Learning Methods): The strategies and techniques that teachers use to deliver the learning materials and to facilitate the learning process.

  • Media Pembelajaran (Learning Media): The tools and resources that teachers use to support the learning methods and to enhance the learning experience.

  • Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Learning Evaluation): The methods and instruments that teachers use to measure and assess the students' learning outcomes and progress.

  • Refleksi Pembelajaran (Learning Reflection): The activities and questions that teachers use to help students review and reflect on what they have learned and how they can improve their learning.

By using these RPP, teachers can ensure that their lessons are consistent with the curriculum 2013 and that their students can achieve the expected competencies. What are the challenges of using RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9?

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 may not suit every teacher's style and preference

Although RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is a helpful resource for teachers, it may not suit every teacher's style and preference. Some teachers may find the RPP too rigid, too detailed, or too boring. Some teachers may prefer to create their own RPP based on their own creativity and experience. Some teachers may also want to customize the RPP according to their own context and situation. Therefore, teachers should not blindly follow the RPP without considering their own needs and goals.

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 may need some adjustments and modifications according to the students' needs and abilities

Another challenge of using RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is that it may need some adjustments and modifications according to the students' needs and abilities. Not all students have the same level of understanding, interest, motivation, and learning style. Some students may need more guidance, support, and feedback than others. Some students may need more challenge, variety, and autonomy than others. Some students may also have different backgrounds, cultures, and values than others. Therefore, teachers should not treat the RPP as a one-size-fits-all solution but rather as a flexible framework that can be adapted and differentiated for different students.

RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 may require some additional resources and materials to support the learning process

A third challenge of using RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is that it may require some additional resources and materials to support the learning process. The RPP may not provide enough information, examples, exercises, or activities for some topics or concepts. The RPP may also not include some media, tools, or equipment that are necessary or beneficial for some methods or modes of learning. The RPP may also not address some issues or problems that may arise during the learning process. Therefore, teachers should not rely solely on the RPP but also seek out other sources of information, inspiration, and innovation to enhance their teaching and learning.


In conclusion, RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 is a valuable resource for teachers who want to plan and implement effective and engaging lessons for their grade five students. RPP is a simplified lesson plan that is based on the curriculum 2013 and is required by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Teachers can download RPP Kelas 5 Tema 6 7 8 9 from the official website of Guru Berbagi or Panduan Guru. These RPP cover various topics related to social studies, science, and culture and are aligned with the learning standards and competencies of the curriculum 2013 . However, teachers should also be aware of the challenges of using these RPP, such as the need to adjust them according to their own style, preference, context, situation, and goals; the need to modify them according to their students' needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles; and the need to supplement them with additional resources and materials to support the learning process.


  • What is the difference between RPP and Silabus?

  • A: Silabus is a syllabus that outlines the scope and sequence of a subject for a certain grade and semester. It contains the core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, materials, learning time allocation, assessment methods, and references for each topic or subtopic. RPP is a lesson plan that details the objectives, activities, methods, media, assessment, and reflection for each lesson within a topic or subtopic.

  • How many pages should an RPP be?

  • A: According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education and Culture No.14 of 2019 on Simplification of Lesson Plan Implementation, an RPP should be simplified into one page per lesson.

  • How can I create my own RPP?

  • A: You can create your own RPP by following these steps:

  • Identify the core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, materials, and assessment methods for your lesson from the syllabus.

  • Formulate your learning objectives based on the indicators.

  • Select your learning methods based on your objectives.

  • Choose your learning media based on your methods.

  • Design your learning activities based on your media.

  • Prepare your learning evaluation based on your assessment methods.

  • Plan your learning reflection based on your objectives and evaluation.

  • Where can I find more examples of RPP?

  • A: You can find more examples of RPP from various sources, such as:

  • The official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture:

  • The official website of the Center for Curriculum and Books:

  • The official website of the National Education Standards Agency:

  • The official website of the Teacher Professional Development Program:

  • The official website of the Teacher Creativity Forum:

  • How can I improve my RPP?

  • A: You can improve your RPP by doing the following:

  • Reviewing your RPP regularly and making necessary revisions and updates.

  • Seeking feedback and suggestions from your colleagues, supervisors, or experts.

  • Comparing your RPP with other RPP from different sources and learning from their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Trying out your RPP in your classroom and observing the results and impacts.

  • Reflecting on your RPP and identifying the areas that need improvement.

I hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy teaching! 44f88ac181

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