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This study demonstrates that ultrasonography is an effective way of identifying fetal gender in the second and third trimester. Out of the 205 pregnant women in this study only 2 had the sex of their babies at birth different from what was determined by ultrasonography. All females were accurately detected sonographically as females but two males were wrongly reported as females yielding 100% sensitivity for females and 98.2% for males. The women whose children's sex were wrongly identified did not fail to vent their anger citing that they had to go through shopping for new set of clothing for the babies leading to wastage of scarce resources and psychological shock at seeing the opposite sex to that expected at parturition. In similar situations hospitals had been sued for false results.5 It is possible that these mistakes occurred due to inability to identify the male genitalia with consequent assignment of a female gender instead of ensuring that the female external genitalia (the vulva, clitoris, and labia) is fully visualized, or that folded/coiled umbilical cord which easily mimics scrotum may have been the cause. However coiled umbilical cord can be easily differentiated from scrotal sac if the gain setting is optimized or reduced if the gain was initially high. Application of Doppler on the suspected umbilical cord may show color flow while no significant flow will be seen if it is the scrotum.

3d girlz 2 full 99


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